Thursday, September 14, 2006

Yard Duty Is Beautiful

As part of my continued growth and development as an educator, I now honor my yard duty responsibilities. (I also honor my yard duty commitment because they stuck me out front where my absence is conspicuous, and because the V-POY makes me feel guilty as hell when I don't make it out).
While on yard duty I'm chatting with a graduated student, a strong athlete who made the kick, but who also struggled with commitment, practice, and dedication. His brother is coming down the front gate, rubbing his neck.

OLDER BROTHER: Where you going?
YOUNGER BROTHER: My neck hurts.
OB: You're supposed to be in cross country.
YB: My neck hurts.
OB: You're supposed to be in cross country. If you can't run, you need to go back and talk to your coach.
YB: Buuuuttttt...
OB: Go.

I tell him it's a beautiful thing and shake his hand.


Blogger posthipchick said...

At the schools I work in now, parents do the yard duty. As in- they come to school during lunch and before and after school and volunteer to do yard duty.

I had no idea.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Kilian Betlach said...

I didn't do yard duty today because I was making one kid write his No Excuse spelling words over again, and another kid had to copy the Reality of School essay. No one jumped in to save the day.

10:03 PM  

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